By: Brenna Hauver
During the last spring season, The Winchendon School’s softball team had an unbelievable season. We started the season strong with lots of practice putting in our best efforts. No matter the weather the team made sure they practiced hard. Sometimes we had to move indoors but that didn’t stop us from using the batting cages to get in some extra swings. Because of all of the hard work that the team put in we progressed throughout the season.
Game by game the team worked harder to make it into the championships for the first time ever. The semifinal game was immediately after the graduation of six of our seniors, after running down the hill almost all of the team made it to the field on time to start warming up. After winning in the semifinals the softball team continued on to play the King school in the finals. The team traveled over three hours to the field and played a long game. By the end, the team came out with a 6-2 win and had secured the title of Western New England Champions.
With six of our seniors gone the Winchendon softball team has a fresh palette for the oncoming season. Being one of the players myself I am very excited to see how well the team will do. With the few returning players and lots of new faces, I am confident that we will have another amazing season. The team is ready to put in a lot of hard work to continue working toward hopefully another championship title. The late season snow storms have kept us off of the new field, but the team has been going to the gym, taking swings, and playing pass in order to be ready for the first practice coming hopefully after the break. I have a lot of confidence in this team’s ability to work together, play hard, and become a family of softball players.