The Houston Field Immersive ColLAB
At The Winchendon School, our students dive deeply into learning how their service can provide meaningful change. Why are we here and Who are we helping are the essential questions being addressed during TWS’s Winter ColLAB, Houston Field Immersive, one of almost 50 ColLABs being held on campus and around the world.
During ColLABs (a contraction of collaborative and laboratory) students are immersed in subjects they may not have the opportunity to explore during the school year. In the case of the Houston Field Immersive ColLAB, students have been looking at the issues of post-disaster recovery impacts and challenges. Now, on the ground in Houston, they are studying the balance between environmental justice and the needs of the great community.
Appropriately, our students spent Martin Luther King Day, walking in other people’s shoes, for in the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., Why are we here and who are we helping? We are here to “rise above the narrow confines of … individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”
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