“I learned a lot about how employers let you do simple tasks first to test you before they give you more responsibility.”
Jiawei made all of his four years at Winchendon count, taking advantage of a ColLAB internship at the Museum of Chinese in America (NYC). This experience proved worthwhile as he took a strong liking to New York City which, in turn, focused his college search to colleges and universities in NYC.
- During his time at Winchendon, Jiawei participated in many extracurriculars – Student Government, serving as treasurer, the Badminton Team, the band, National Honor Society, and Service Learning.
- In addition, he pursued a business internship through his ColLABs. All of these opportunities served as a way for Jiawei to pursue his passions, as well as creating new ones.Throughout his time at Winchendon, Jiawei also excelled academically graduating Summa Cum Laude.
- He serves as an excellent example of a student who challenges himself to perform at the highest level he possibly could. When it came time to apply for colleges, Jiawei applied in the early decision round to New York University. It is no surprise that Jiawei was accepted and plans to pursue a business degree.