Service Learning at WinchendOnline.
Our Service Learning program has gone online. Our Veterans Outreach Service Learning leaders wanted to broaden the group’s reach during this difficult time with a letter-writing campaign to their heroes; veterans, healthcare workers, active military, and first-responders.
Each week, the group will send out a form to write a letter to a specific group throughout Massachusetts. The recipients will change each week. This first week will be letters for veterans, with “the goal of these letters to offer encouragement and support as many may feel isolated.”
The students ask us all to please take a few minutes out of your day to write a small letter that shows you are thinking of them during this time as many of you know it can be very lonely. The form will close every Wednesday at 3 PM in order for the students to put out a new form on Fridays.
The History of Service Learning as Real World Leadership Experience at The Winchendon School
The Winchendon School student leaders from the Service-Learning program are working remotely from their homes to continue to support and serve our community. They will be working throughout the rest of the school year to implement service-projects aimed at helping our local communities during this difficult time.
For the past six years, our service-learning program has partnered with local leaders and organizations including the CAC, our public schools, MVOC, Beals Library, Growing Places, Mill Center Equestrian Center and more to provide service in the areas of community health, youth empowerment, environmental sustainability, social justice, and diversity, equity and inclusion.
We are committed to addressing community-defined needs and engaging our students in real-world leadership and problem-solving that makes a real difference.
Further reading: