Art for the Future is the Latest Winchendon School Service Learning Group To Move Online
What do you do when you’re socially united but physically distant and you’re running a Service Learning program? Pivot. That’s just what the Service Learning program at The Winchendon School did this semester after returning from Spring Break. Both academics and Service Learning went online. 18 of the 19 Service Learning programs were able to pivot their programs to an online platform. The latest group to put their program online is Art for the Future.
The program moved from afterschool to in-home. Students put together a series of art projects with materials middle and high school students should be able to find in-home, but additional supplies can be mailed to students who need them. The program is free to those living in North Central Massachusetts and is funded in part by the Winchendon Cultural Council.
What Happens With All The Art?
Participants make art and take a photo to post it online or display their collection to inspire and strengthen our community!
Want to make art? Sign-up here!