A community gathers
Senior Week at The Winchendon School begins with Prom and ends with graduation and the seniors parting the community and campus. But during that week, we celebrate our seniors. every day with traditions as old as our Massachusetts campus and some growing traditions.
Tuesday night, juniors who applied for dorm proctor positions, were busy in Faculty Hall bussing tables as the Class of 2023 gathered with faculty to wish each other well before receiving their yearbooks. As the Class of ’23 settled into the evening, the outgoing Head of School Laurie Lambert, introduced the student-elected speakers.
Marquis Hamby
…being here really opened my mind up to things I thought I’d never found exciting before in my life. Before I came to Winch, you’d never see me at a hockey game, or a lacrosse game, or a play, just because they never sounded appealing to me. But that’s what I appreciate Winch so much for, it’s allowed me to be able to go and experience seeing things like that so much, that I’ve actually grown to enjoy them and find them entertaining. That’s something I’ll really miss about being here, being able to
Marquis Hamby
support my friends with the things they’re passionate about. And nothing compares to the people I’ve met here.
John Creveling
I have become a better person here, and made some memories that will last me a lifetime. My first year at Winch is going to be like most of you all’s first year at college. Not because you’ll walk upstairs to find your mattress in the shower, but because you are going to have to adapt to your environment in order to survive. There will be more people, harder classes, more difficult competition in sports and less room for error. This place has gotten you ready for college to an extent, but it will be on you to apply what you have learned…
John Creveling
Sydney Brown
Winchendon has truly provided me with the wings to let me fly. In my first two years of education they taught me avenues of the world I would have never learned at my past school. We were put into perspectives unlike our own, and we were to look outside of ourselves to gain a more diverse image of the cultures and people who surround us.
Sydney Brown